Adelaide Gamer is my web log about my gaming existence. As such, it documents games I play and have played, people I've played with or just met, and of course the usual thematically connected random thoughts that all bloggers blog and all gamers have.
At the time of blogging this post, for example I'm four or so months into a stretch of posts primarily about my playing online computer game - a WWII flight simulator by the name of Il '46. I've been posting up reports on many of my missions, and it seems some people at least are enjoying reading my work so I keep on going in this vein. All writers like positive feedback (whether personal, or in the 'comments')!
Tonight some friends and I will play a boargame, Puerto Rico. I'll no doubt blog the experience.
I've covered books, gamers, internet gaming, computer games, boardgames, cardgames, wargames, miniatures, terrain building, clubs, modelling, and various other topics over the years (how they fly!). All depends upon what I'm doing at the time.
Just thought I'd make that all clear.
3 hours ago
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