Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Case against Agapanther

Statement of accusation
The defendant has been discharged.
Case settled according to agreement.

Bill of indictment

The Defendant is charged with violating tribe law 3, Robbery.

Yesterday, Chiefed in the company of Layne was robbed while crossing into the border of the Tribe of Yohualtepec. The robbers were Agapanther and Brautigan. This bothers me extremely since these tribe foreigners think they can rob on our 5 way junction and get away with it.

Chiefed was relieved of his money vegetable and beans equaling roughly 657 coppers by market value.

As dictated by tribe law I motion for the full fine of 500 coppers, plus 657 coppers to be considered damages and the maximum allowed jail time for this defendant.

In addition to that I ask that an additional damage charge be brought upon the Defendant since the Victim has already lost 3 strength 1 intelligence and 2 charisma points due to this robbery!

The evidence:

Chiefed will now be called to tell us in his own words what happened.

First defense pleading

My Lord Chief Knower of the Law and all that pertains thereto, humble obesiances to you and your ranking colleagues. I admit the basic facts of the accusation, that I did relieve the victim of their possessions of which approximately half found their way into my feathered pouch. I ask that you consider the facts as put to you by my traveling companion of the time and accept them as put forth in the related case. I might further add that worshiping the road gods is at times a most adventurous occupation and that we were indeed most flummoxed to have observed corpses and rich bandits upon the site upon our arrival. For our failings we beg thy understanding. To the victim of our ill advised venture I offer something akin to the aztec version of an apology, an offer to return the half of his goods which found their way to my feathered pouch, sufficient compensation (when added to that of my traveling companion) to return his health to its previous state, and the promise that I will not forget his name in my future prayers. Nor will I forget the name of the Law disciple who has already spoken in those same prayers. My Lord, the extent to which I recall your name with fondness will depend muchly upon your judgement. In this manner, I plead guilty.

Law Disciple indictment

Well there you have it. He admits guilt.
He decided to attempt to rob a robber. Which is still robbing, except you also hurt innocent people.

In conclusion you and your friend are charged with giving Chiefed and Layne back what you stole from them and a little extra due to the fact that Chiefed lost some stats today.

You will also pay a tribe fine via the tribe fair of 110 coppers.

You and your friend must contact Tisha and arrange to give the tribe 110 EACH. After you give it to her via tribe fair have her contact me.

Then you two will also come to Cuauhtinchan where Chiefed and Layne are. When the two of you enter Cuauhtinchan I will grant you 1 wood where you shall transfer all the loot to. I expect both of you to have a grant closed to me with my wood and the amount equaling what you stole from them.

Once the items are in a closed grant and in my Clan Hall I shall transfer them to the two victims.

The Judge shall be called, you in you last plea will either accept this and complete the task Tuesday or shall be fined the maximum.

So I want to get a letter from Tisha saying you both bought wood logs 1 at a time that turns out to be 110.

I also want to see you in my clan asap. Layne and Chiefed shall mail me a description of what they lost. I expect those items, cash and 50 copper to be in the grant with my wood.

If I dont receive a mail from Tisha and the closed grants of returned items by Wednesday then the Judge will give maximum sentence.

Last defense pleading

I have presented myself in fair Cuauhtinchan to honour thus my side of the bargain. I have sent runners to the fair Tisha of whom you speak, to the aggrieved that has cried forth his woes in this hallowed hall.

I shall remain steadfast in my prayers before the shrine of the beflowered wanderer on the priestless outskirts of Cuauhtinchan until released from this burdensome duty, thus satisfying that which is conveyed upon me by this my acceptance of the terms proposed.

Unto the omens and the gods of law I do thus surrender and accept my fate in concordance with the precepts of justice fairly served.

The Law Disciple called Chiefed to the witness corner

His statement:
Layne and I were traveling home to Cuauhtinchan and as we crested the small hill near the boarder node between Toliman and Cuauhtinchan, we were set upon by robbers!

They beat us to a bloody pulp and it is truly a miracle that we were able to arrive home! I am so very hungry and the mine is full, so there is no work...and I feel weaker, dumber, and less popular by the minute!

I realize that robbery is a constant threat to all of our neighbors. I took the precaution to form an Armed Mob, arming myself with a shaft, and inviting my friend Layne

1 comment:

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