Sunday, August 06, 2006

Site of Interest - Iron Mitten

I might start putting up the odd link to sites which for some reason grab my gaming fancy. First amongst them should be TMP, but I'll put up a separate entry on that some other time. For now, let me recommend Iron Mitten. It's a beautiful and growing blog, kept by a fellow who has multiple passions for history, drawing, cartoons, writing, collecting and painting beautiful figures, photography. Seems to be all about Ancients, which is fine by me.


Secundus said...

Wow! thankyou very much, It's great to find a fellow painter/gamer on blogger, all the sites I looked at finished around 2004 or something and I thought I was on my own. However, I carried on and when I get nice comments like this, I know it has been worth it. Thanks again.

Adelaide Gamer said...

It's always nice to read something nice, and to know that you're appreciated. Truly, I like what you're doing.