Sunday, May 21, 2006

Photos - 6mm Army of Africa Column

A good campaign within which to set early war scenarios is that of General Mola's drive North towards Madrid with the Army of Africa. This was composed of flying columns of roughly company to battalion strength. Besides the famed Moors and Foreign Legion, there were also regular army units and disgruntled Civil Guardia which joined the rebels. With the exception of the armoured truck shown below, I will feature the Foreign Legion and Moors at another time.

An armoured truck of the Legion, closely followed by a (WWI) Austin armoured car, leads the charge...
... closely followed by a company of mounted regular infantry.

The first of lorry mounted infantry arrive (WWI truck ahead of the Fiat) ...

... while, elsewhere in town, the Guardia Civil seize control of the streets in the name of the Junta ...

... as their headquarters elements look on.

All figures are Irregular 6mm. More to come in future. For now, it's back to East Front II ...

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